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  • Unveiling the National Hero of Burkina Faso


    Students will be able to generate a text on the national hero of Burkina Faso and create a reading comprehension test based on that text.


    Students will write a detailed paragraph about the national hero of Burkina Faso and develop a reading comprehension test with multiple-choice and short answer questions.

    Key Points:

    Identify key information about the national hero of Burkina Faso

    Create a coherent text highlighting important achievements and characteristics

    Develop reading comprehension questions that assess understanding of the text


    To pique students’ interest, begin the lesson with an image of the national hero displayed on the board. Ask students to share what they know or infer about the person in the image.

    Introduction to New Material:

    Introduce the national hero of Burkina Faso through a brief historical background. Address the common misconception that heroes have to be perfect individuals without flaws.

    Guided Practice:

    Set the expectation for students to work collaboratively in pairs to brainstorm and outline key points for their text. Provide guided examples and model how to structure the text and develop comprehension questions. Progress from simpler questions to more complex ones.

    Independent Practice:

    Have students work independently to write a paragraph about the national hero, incorporating the key points discussed. Following that, they will create a reading comprehension test with a mix of multiple-choice and short answer questions.


    For the closing activity, students will share their paragraphs with the class, highlighting unique perspectives. Together, discuss the importance of understanding and honoring national heroes.

    Extension Activity:

    For early finishers, provide the opportunity to research another national hero from a different country and compare and contrast their achievements and impact with the hero of Burkina Faso.


    Assign students to research and write a short biography of a local hero from their community, emphasizing the qualities that make them admirable and their impact on society.

    Standards Addressed:

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.10.1 – Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly.

    CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.10.2 – Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately.

    Thomas Sankara: The National Hero of Burkina Faso

    Thomas Sankara, often referred to as « Africa’s Che Guevara, » was a revolutionary leader and the President of Burkina Faso from 1983 to 1987. Born on December 21, 1949, in Yako, French Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso), Sankara was known for his progressive policies and commitment to social justice.

    Sankara came to power through a popular revolution in 1983 and immediately set out to transform the country. He renamed the country from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso, meaning « Land of Upright People, » symbolizing his vision for a new and empowered nation. Sankara implemented sweeping reforms focused on anti-corruption, women’s rights, environmental protection, and self-reliance.

    One of Sankara’s most notable initiatives was his commitment to eradicating hunger and promoting self-sufficiency. Under his leadership, Burkina Faso launched ambitious agricultural programs to improve food production and reduce dependence on foreign aid. Sankara also prioritized healthcare and education, aiming to provide basic services to all citizens.

    Despite his short time in power, Thomas Sankara left a lasting impact on Burkina Faso and the African continent. His legacy continues to inspire generations with his dedication to the principles of integrity, equality, and empowerment of the people.

    In 1987, Thomas Sankara was tragically assassinated in a coup led by his close associate, Blaise Compaoré. However, his ideals and vision for a better Burkina Faso live on, making him a revered national hero and an icon of African independence and self-determination.

    Multiple Choice Comprehension Questions:

    What country is the national hero in focus from?

    A) Ghana

    B) Burkina Faso

    C) Nigeria

    D) Kenya

    What is one key point students are expected to identify about the national hero?

    A) His favorite food

    B) His birth date

    C) His important achievements

    D) His favorite color

    What type of questions are students expected to develop in the lesson?

    A) Cooking recipes

    B) Geography trivia

    C) Reading comprehension questions

    D) Math problems

    How should students work on developing their paragraphs about the national hero?

    A) Independently

    B) In groups

    C) With a partner

    D) With the teacher’s assistance

    What is the extension activity for early finishers in the lesson?

    A) Watch a movie

    B) Play a game

    C) Research another national hero

    D) Take a nap

    Free Response Comprehension Questions:

    Describe the importance of understanding and honoring national heroes in society.

    Explain why it is essential for students to research and write about a local hero from their community.

    How can learning about national heroes from different countries contribute to a student’s global perspective?

    Reflect on the process of creating a reading comprehension test. What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

    Discuss the impact of comparing and contrasting the achievements of different national heroes on one’s understanding of heroism and societal contributions.